Friday, May 27, 2011

Another visit to the clinic

We went to the clinic today again.  Everything looks good.  Alyssa will be off the steroids on the 2nd to June.  She is very excited to do that.  When that happens we will not have to go to the clinic every week.  They told her that she can go back to work as long as it is not with a lot of people.  She is go to see what she can find in a office setting instead of in the food setting where she was working at school.  She is so excited because Memorial day is the first holiday since November that she won't be in the hospital.  Hope everyone has a safe and happy memorial day. 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

We are moving again

We got released from Salt Lake Valley.  The doctors said that Alyssa is doing better and we could now move to Brigham City with my parents.  I swear this moving thing is getting old.  I will be soooooooo glad when we don't have to move again.  We moved all of our stuff out of Kirk's mom's house today and into the storage unit.  We are going to Brigham City tomorrow.  We will still have to come up to the clinic every week.  I guess that is all that is going on right now. 

Monday, May 9, 2011

Clinic visit

We went to the clinic on Friday and the doctors are very pleased.  Her numbers are like a healthy 22 year old.  Her rash is starting to look better.  We need to stay in SLC for a little while longer to see what her rash does.  We need to go back to the clinic on Friday and we will know more then.  She gets tired very easy but she is very glad that she is out of the hospital.  She got to wear her contacts yesterday after wearing her glasses since November.  She was pretty excited about that.  We still have to be careful of germs and crowds of people until she has reached her 100 days out of transplant. 

Our house has been shown quite a few times.  We hope that it will sell soon.  Hope all the Mother's reading this had a good day yesterday. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


We talked to the PA last night when we came back from our day trip.  We voiced our concerns about staying in the hospital.  The only thing that was keeping her here was that darn rash.  She has not had any side effects with the rash like fever, bloating or high blood pressure.  I told her that we lived 4 minutes away from the hospital and I have not left her side since this all happened.  If anything happened we would be up to the hospital immediately.  I told them if they wanted us to come up to the clinic everyday or every 4 hours we would do it.  The only thing that they were doing for her in the night was giving her pain meds.  I told her that we could do all that at home.  She then told us that we could leave again for dinner but just be back before 8:30 pm to get her night meds.  Alyssa was getting more and more frustrated as the day and night wore on.

When we woke up this morning the PA came in and told us that she took our concerns to Dr. Peterson.  He told her that he agreed with us.  So we got to go home today.  We have to come up to the clinic on Friday and they have to monitor the rash but that is okay because we don't have to be here.  After rounds they came back and asked her how she felt about getting her central line out.  We were thrilled to hear that.  We packed up her room and then sat around to have her central line taken out.  I can't believe how long it takes to be checked out of the hospital. 

We are so excited that this chapter of her life is done.  We are excited to start living again.  On another note the buyers of our house backed out of it so we are back to square one with that.  We have always thought that it will sell when the time is right.  Kirk and I were not to thrilled with the offer so I am sure that a better one will come along.  We have another showing on it tomorrow.  We hope that it doesn't take too long.  We are living in an apartment 4 minutes away from the hospital until Alyssa's rash has been cleared up.  After it is clear will move in with my parents until we can get into a house. 

Thank you all for all of your prayers and concern for our family.  Go give blood and think about being a bone marrow donor.  Alyssa would not be here if people had not donated those things.  Enjoy the little things in life. 

Monday, May 2, 2011

Very Frustrated again

Alyssa's rash is not getting any better with the steroids.  I asked this morning at 8:00 am if she could have a day pass again.  The nurse said she would talk to the doctor.  At 11:30 Alyssa asked for some more pain medication and I asked the nurse what the doctor said.  She told me that she had not gone to rounds yet.  Seriously.   Finally around 12:30 she came back with the pa.  They told her that they needed to take a skin biopsy to try to figure out what is going on with this rash.  I asked I why she needed to be in the hospital.  The doctor told me it is because of the steroids that they are giving her.  I told him I gave her things in her central line last time we went home.  He could never give me a straight answer.  They told her that she could leave but she needed to be back by 5:00.  By this time it was close to 1:30.  We went and got something to eat and did our laundry.  Played a quick game of skipbo and then came back to the hospital. 

Alyssa and I are very frustrated at this point.  We are really getting fed up being in this place.  I told her when we got back here that we needed to look for one positive thing a day.  Maybe that will brighten up her day.  I am at a lose as to what to do for her to help her.  Keep her and her doctors in your prayers to find out what is wrong with her and get her out of here.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy sunny day

Alyssa got another day pass today.  We drove up to Kaysville to see if we could find some houses we liked.  We then went to the apartment and made lunch and choc. chip cookies.  Alyssa had a nap along with her mom.  We then came back to the hospital.  Hopefully we leave the hospital tomorrow.  I guess we will have to wait and see.  Her rash seems better but not 100% yet.