Sunday, November 28, 2010

Bad news

She just got back from her MRI.  Things are not looking good.  They found spots of leukemia in her brain.  This is the reason that she can't move her left arm and is kind of touchy moving her right arm and legs.

They are going to treat it the same way as the other leukemia.  They have put a feeding tube in and if they need to put a tube down her throat to help her breath they will.  They have started up the ATRA again through her feeding tube.

My heart is broken right now.  I am so scared!  I am she is more scared than we all are.  Kirk has felt all along that she would recover from this.  He as assured me that he gets that feeling strongly every time he blesses her.  I don't know if I have that much faith.  I am going to need to pull up my boot strings and find that faith.

She still has her cute sense of humor.  The PA asked if she could move her arms and she said yes.  After she didn't move her left arm the the PA asked about that and she said, oh yea I can move everything but that one.

Her favorite nurse Amber came in here to talk to her and she got a huge smile on her face.  She asked her how she was doing.  Alyssa thought for a minute and said I am just thankful.  I asked her what she was thankful for and she said for such good nurses.  We all need to take that attitude about our lives.

We asked her this morning if she wanted Dad to read scriptures with her.  I needed to go get some breakfast before he left.  She said that she would like him to read to her but not so long this time.  Kirk told her it was okay to fall asleep while he was reading and she said that she fills bad when he is reading to fall asleep.  We assured her that it was okay to fall asleep.

I don't think that Kirk and Kelsey are going to Nebraska tomorrow.  It has been snowing all day and the roads are not good. 

Thanks again for all of the love and support.


  1. We will keep Alyssa and your family in our prayers. Please let us know how we can help. May the Lord bless you and give you strength, comfort, and peace during this challenging time.
    Love, Debbie and Kevin

  2. I am going to stop by and visit after work tomorrow. I'll be there about 5:30 or 6:00 p.m.

    One of my favorite scriptures is about the comfort and peace the gospel brings. D&C 6:23. The Holy Ghost speaks peace into our minds and hearts. I am thankful for this knowledge. Kirk, Annalee, and Alyssa, I hope you are able to feel the peace of the truthfulness of the Gospel and the love of our Heavenly Father during this time.

    I send you my warmest "get well" wishes.

    - Kevin

  3. Dear Beautiful Alyssa,
    We Love you and our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. And, we send you warmest wishes from sunny Arizona. It rained a bit today, as we broke our fast we felt maybe the heavens were releasing their love and concern for you, too! Then, out came the rainbow, and all seemed calm. Stay strong during this storm in your life, we KNOW that your rainbow and the calm will come. We are grateful that you are in the hands of capable doctors and nurses and we pray for them to be guided by the Lord to do what is necessary to heal you.
    Much Love and great big warm hugs,
    Aunt Cathie , Uncle Jeff and Family

  4. Dear Alyssa,
    Our hearts go out to you. My kids were listening to me talk to my mom on the phone and immediately started asking if you're okay and what's going on. They have been praying for you every day without any prompting from us. We love you. thank you for your example of faith. I'm so glad you feel God's hand in your life and that He is in charge and knows the beginning from the end.
    All our love,
    Meghan and Casey and family

  5. Dear Alyssa,
    We are so sad to hear the discouraging news. We will be putting your name on the Temple prayer roll and I know many others are doing to same. Grandma Ward was just telling me of the last Saturday when you dropped Bryan off at her house. She said she was discouraged that Grandpa didn't find his cancer 10 years earlier, that maybe he would still be alive today if he had. She said that you bore the sweetest testimony to her. You told her that the Lord knows us personally and will preserve our lives until we are meant to return to His presence. You have been spiritually prepared for this experience. The Lord must have great faith in you and knows you as one who is valiant and strong, one who can accept this trial. Your sweet and tender spirit has touched our family. Carolyn and Jacob pray for you several times each day and ask if you feel better yet. Your perseverance through this trial will be a strength to many and be a great source of missionary work. Keep your faith and when you feel spiritually weak, lean on the faith of those who love you. You'll make it through and we will all rejoice in the great miracle the Lord bestowed upon you!
    Heather and family

  6. Kirk and Annalee, I feel so badly for you - I can't imagine having to watch your beautiful daughter suffer like this. I'm comforted in Kirk's promptings that all will be well. Please let us know how we can help.

  7. Alyssa-
    Another new day. I hope today will bring better news for you and relief from some of the suffering you are having to endure. We never know why the Lord gives us challenges but as we are able to overcome the obstacles in our lives, we grow and 'pass the tests' and learn the lessons we were put on the earth to learn. I KNOW the Lord loves you and holds you in the palm of His hand. You are in the prayers of many...we all love you.


  8. I'm keeping you in my prayers. I am so sorry that you have to go through this, but I know that all things are for our good. Hang in there Alyssa!

  9. Ward Family
    We are thinking of you and praying for Alyssa and your family. We are hoping that she feels better soon.
    David, Kendra, Laura, and Rachel

  10. I am so sorry to hear the bad news. Alyssa, you are an amazing girl. I am amazed by how strong you are and that you have kept your sense of humor through all of this. We love you and are praying for you.

  11. I'm really sorry to hear that you're going through this right now. I know you're a tough girl so keep hanging in there and beat this leukemia down. I'll keep you in my prayers and hope that you have a smooth recovery.

  12. Alyssa, I chucked when I read your reply to the PA about your arm not moving. It's something I would have said. In fact it more humorous than I could have said.

    It's been a few days since I helped your dad and uncle Christopher give you a blessing, but even so, I can still feel the power of that blessing.

    I feel that your Grandpa Ward is near and is helping to comfort you and your family.

    You'll be well soon. Just a little bit longer now.

    Patrick, Brenda and Zach.

  13. Alyssa, I just wanted to let you know that our ward is thinking of you and we love you. We are rooting for you!

    I miss sitting by you in church, but I am glad that I get to hear how everything is going. You really impress me with your optimistic and loving attitude. You are such an example to me!!!

    Thanks for being a friend this past semester!

    Lots of love,
    Tierre Sanford

  14. hello beautiful girl.!!! i just wanted you to know that i'm s thankful for knowing you. i know that our Heavenly Ftather really loves you. I do love so very much. and i hope everything gets better. I miss you and ur cookies hhaha.!! stay possitive and thanks again for your good example and everything girl.!!
    LOVE U.!! <3
