Friday, April 29, 2011

Better Day

Alyssa woke up with the rash all over her body.  When the nurse came in we told her that she needs to have something to stop this.  She agreed with us and told the doctors when she went into rounds.  She is eating good again and they have decreased her nutrition bag by half.  The dietitian told her that she is getting rid of that soon because she eats really good.  All of her meds have been changed to pill form and she has started to cut back on the nausea meds.  As soon as the rash gets under control then the pain pump can be removed.  They have given her steroids for the rash and that is helping a lot.

Her spirits are better.  We watched the "royal wedding" all morning long on the internet.  It was fun to watch.  I remember watching when Charles and Diana got married.  We really loved her dress and her sister's dress. 

All in all the day has been good.  Thanks for all of the love and support.


  1. I miss seeing and talking with both of you. The steroids will help a ton. Hang in there Alyssa....the end is in sight.

    Lisa & Mike

    P.S. I liked the dress too....very elegant.

  2. Alyssa!! I tried to find you on facebook and you do not exist on there. You are behind the times (although facebook is a absolute waste of time imo). You should send me your email so I have a more direct form of communication. Keep up the hard work, and send me your email.

