Monday, May 2, 2011

Very Frustrated again

Alyssa's rash is not getting any better with the steroids.  I asked this morning at 8:00 am if she could have a day pass again.  The nurse said she would talk to the doctor.  At 11:30 Alyssa asked for some more pain medication and I asked the nurse what the doctor said.  She told me that she had not gone to rounds yet.  Seriously.   Finally around 12:30 she came back with the pa.  They told her that they needed to take a skin biopsy to try to figure out what is going on with this rash.  I asked I why she needed to be in the hospital.  The doctor told me it is because of the steroids that they are giving her.  I told him I gave her things in her central line last time we went home.  He could never give me a straight answer.  They told her that she could leave but she needed to be back by 5:00.  By this time it was close to 1:30.  We went and got something to eat and did our laundry.  Played a quick game of skipbo and then came back to the hospital. 

Alyssa and I are very frustrated at this point.  We are really getting fed up being in this place.  I told her when we got back here that we needed to look for one positive thing a day.  Maybe that will brighten up her day.  I am at a lose as to what to do for her to help her.  Keep her and her doctors in your prayers to find out what is wrong with her and get her out of here.

1 comment:

  1. OK, that's it I CALL FOUL!!! You guys need to get out of there. Looks like I will need to contact a higher authority about this oversight. I am going to try this one more time. I think it bound to work soon. Here it goes.....Sending you ALL my best get better vibes.......concentrating.......<{^^zz^^++^^**get^^^###^^^better^^**###...NOW^^}>

    Hope That works this time.

    Thinking of you always, Mike & Lisa
