Thursday, December 30, 2010

Another round

Alyssa got her 7th round of arsenic today.  It must be doing what it suppose to be doing because of her nurtrafills have come up to 300.  Everything is looking good.  She is going in the right direction.  As soon as her nurtrafills go to 500 then they will take her off all of the antibiotics and she if she has any infections. 

Kelsey got here okay.  Kirk is picking her up at the airport.  Apparently she didn't feel  very good today so she is going to stay  at the townhouse tonight and she will come up tomorrow.  Alyssa is anxious to see her.  The doctors say that she might be able to leave around early next week.  We have learned not to get our hopes up.  We will have to wait and see. 

It has been really snowy today and Alyssa's only wish is that when she goes outside she can have snow.  I hope the weather holds for her. 

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

round 6 of arsenic

Alyssa has just finished with her sixth day of arsenic. They come in every morning and give her an EKG to see how her QT intervals are. If the intervals are low enough they will do arsenic that day.  Arsenic increases those intervals which in turn can cause heart problems or the heart to stop beating.

Her nutrafills are at 200 today, they were 100 yesterday, so she is going in the right direction. When she gets to 500 they will do another bone marrow biopsy and see how everything else is doing. She can't be released from the hospital until the nutrafills are above 500, but they prefer it to be closer to 1000.

She had another MRI this morning, she hates those, but today wasn't as bad as last time was. They were able to get it done in one pass this time, so she was in and out a lot quicker. The results just came back from that and things are looking much better. The bright spots are the brain are diminishing rapidly now. She is still not quite back to normal, but she is close.

When we went for a walk today we were beginning to wonder if we would ever make it. As she was getting her gown and mask on, the nurse came in the check her Arsenic IV, it had about 15 minutes left so she said she would take it down after the walk.  Immediately after that the CNA came in to take her vitals, then the PA came in to give us the results of the MRI. About that time one of the leads from her heart monitor came loose, we would have just waited to get it fixed until after the walk, but then she started feeling nauseas. The nurse came back in at that point to take her Arsenic IV out, so she fixed the lead for the heart monitor and gave her a half dose of adavan to help with the nausea while she was there. We finally made it on the walk. She was tired enough that she only made it 2 laps where she usually will do 3 or 4. I suggested that she take a nap after we got back, but she wanted to finish the puzzle that she started on Christmas day.  She has about 50 pieces to go and when she gets that close, nothing will stop her short of a major catastrophe!

Monday, December 27, 2010

4th Round and counting

Alyssa has been very groggy all day long.  They gave her some medicine for nausea  last night that they have never given her and it has wiped her out all day long.    They have switched her meds again and I think that they have got the magnesium, calcium and potassium  right so now her heart is beating the right way so she can have another dose of arsenic.  She has  just got done with her 4th arsenic treatment.  When the doctor  came in today she said that her nutrafills have started to come in very slowly.  However, she is going in the right direction which we are very pleased about that. 

We hope that she won't be so sleepy tomorrow.  She is still having a hard time being in the hospital.  We just got done with a shopping list for food for the next couple of days.  She chose spaghetti,  stroganoff,  and Hawaiian  haystacks and chocolate chip cookies.  Bryan and I are going shopping and cooking tonight.  Kelsey just called and said she is going to be coming out on Wednesday.  We are excited to see her. 

Sunday, December 26, 2010

3 round of arsenic

Alyssa had another good night after she broke down for awhile.  She is so tired of being in the hospital.  At around 8:30 she just broke down.  I think that it hit her that she was here on Christmas.  When Bryan and I got here they were getting ready to go down to church.  We are on the 8th floor and church is on the 2nd.  She said that she wanted to walk to church.  We took a wheelchair in case she couldn't make it.  The sacrament meeting was very good and it was really good for Alyssa.  She made the walk both ways.  When we got back we started playing Diceescapes.  That is the game that we found in target for her.  It has 100 dice in it and you do different things with the dice.  It was a lot of fun. 

After the game we went for a long walk.  She can only go around the floor and we call them laps.  She usually only does 2 or 3, today she did 4.  After we got done with the walk she wanted to watch a movie.  So we watched 27 dresses.  During the movie they started the 4th round of arsenic.  They say that her heart is better, she has to have potassium , magnesium and calcium to help her heart rate.  Hopefully that is the secret combination to help her with her arsenic  doses.  She says that the only thing that she has noticed with the arsenic is that she gets a killer headache.  She has been given her pain medicine and fell asleep for awhile.  She has had a good day, I hope that continues, she deserves it.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

Well there is really nothing new to report.  They have stopped the arsenic until they can get her heart rate figured out.  I am so glad that she is in the hospital when she started this phase.  I don't even want to think about what would have happened if we were doing this phase as a out patient.  Alyssa likes to do everything in her own way.  Every doctor that comes in says I haven't met you but I know you.  Her case has been anything but normal.

We gave her a dice game, puzzle and relaxing music.  She can't fall asleep without music.  She has never had to have music before being in the hospital.  She asked to have french dip sandwiches,  jello with marshmellows on the top, and augratin potatoes.  Bryan and I made them last night before going to bed.

We missed Kelsey and it didn't feel complete without her.  When Alyssa gets out of the hospital Kelsey, Kirk and Bryan will come back and we will celebrate Christmas.  I hope  that everyone had a great Christmas.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Santa came early

Kirk stayed with her last night and he said that she had a good night.  She only had a headache and she said that it was not too bad.  Her second round of arsenic went well.  They have switched up her meds again.  One of the side effects of arsenic is making her heart beat irregular.  They have put her on a heart monitor and are watching her to get her baseline so they can decide what is normal for her.  She will not have arsenic today so they can get the base line. 

She was just watching the tv and there was a commercial for medicine and she said don't I take that medicine.  I told her it sounded familiar.  She is on so many drugs it is hard to keep track of what she is on.

She has had a really good day.  Dr. Pearl came in his Christmas attire.  She is really starting to like him.  Also, Santa and his helper came to visit her.  Bryan and I brought homemade cinnamon rolls and chicken enchiladas.  She gobbled up the cinnamon roll. We have not had the enchiladas yet.   

 Kirk left for awhile to do some laundry.  His holiday was today so he didn't have to work.  When he comes back we are going to eat the enchiladas and play some games.  I hope everyone has a good Christmas Eve. 

Christmas Eve, We miss Kelsey

Christmas Eve

This lady comes in and plays her harp for the patients.

She was very good and sounded so nice.

Dr. Pearl's Christmas attire.

Santa and his helper came to visit.

This is what Santa brought.  We couldn't believe that Santa was so nice.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

One Day of Arsenic Down

Alyssa got the first dose of arsenic last night around 9:00.  Bryan and I left for the night and Kirk stayed with her.  Kirk said that she got up to about every 2 hours to go to the bathroom.  She didn't really get to sleep until around 3:00 am.  They have to give her a lot of iv fluid when they are giving arsenic because they want it out of her system fast.  Kirk said that she complained of a headache but no throwing up. 

When Bryan and I got here this morning she had just  thrown up.  They have changed up some of her medicine in hopes to get rid of the head ache and nausea.  One of the side effects of the arsenic is headache.  She is getting her second dose of the arsenic right now.  They are going to up it every day 3 hours so she can get it every day at noon.  This way she can hopefully have a good nights sleep.

She has been kind of tired today.  She had a really good nap and now she is feeling fine.  We think that some of her nausea has something to do with when she gets blood products.  Ben gave her benedryl and adavan before he gave her the blood products and she just went to sleep when he was her nurse.  They are going to try that from now on and see if that helps.  When she threw up this morning is was right after they started giving her blood.

Her spirits have been pretty good today.  I think that it is has helped to have Kirk and Bryan here.  Kirk left when we got here and went back to the town home to work.  Bryan and I played skipbo with her and we had fun.  She has been wanting tacos so Bryan made her tacos last night and she ate them today for lunch and you would thought we had brought her a gourmet dinner.  When I leave tonight Bryan and I are going to make her chicken enchiladas and french dip sandwiches. 

I asked her if she wanted to have Christmas with our family in the hospital and she said she wanted to wait until she is out of the hospital.  I am trying to figure out what we can do to make the day fun for her.  I am sure I will come up with something.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Relapse in the Leukemia

Yesterday she had a bone marrow biopsy.  If it came out positive then they could give her some medicine to boost the white blood cells.  If it came it out negative then we needed to talk about treatment going forward.  She was in a lot of pain from the biopsy.  I can see why because those needles were pretty wicked looking.    She was looking forward to seeing Kirk.  Kirk got here around 9:30 p.m.  He left at 4:30 am and he said the roads were awful.  She was so excited to see her dad.  He went and slept in the townhome while I stayed in the hospital. 

When Kirk got to the hospital this morning I left and unpacked the suitcases and the few things that he brought from Omaha.  I was so excited to see my sewing machine.  I know that sounds so funny but I have really missed sewing.  The nurses keep telling me to bring my sewing machine and work on projects here.  Kirk brought his work computer and was trying to get some work done.  He said that he couldn't get on to the internet so he was getting frustrated. 

While I was gone Dr. Peterson came in and talked to Alyssa and Kirk.  He later called me and told what is going on.  Well when they got the bone marrow results it is not good.  She has had a relapse in the Leukemia.  This is why the white blood cells were not coming in.  They are going to start the arsenic treatment tonight.  The schedule will be doing it for 5 days and then 2 days off for 5 weeks.  Then there will be a 2 week break and then start it again.  After all that then they will do a bone marrow biospy again.  She will need to stay in the hospital until her white blood cells come in.  Dr. Peterson says that it can be anywhere to one week to three weeks.  When she comes home then she can finish the  arsenic treatment in the outpatient clinic.

After she is is remission she will have to a stem cell transplant.  How Dr. Peterson explained it to me is that the most ideal situation would be to take bone marrow from her and freeze it and then transplant it back in her.  If they can't do that then they will have to do it from a donor.  They have told me that siblings would be the best match. 

The only good thing about all this because she has to have a transplant our insurance has approved us to stay at LDS hospital instead of having to go to Childern's.  I am so happy that she can finish her treatment here.  She will have all the same nurses and doctors that she has had up until now.  This is the best place for her to be so we are happy about that.

Alyssa is a little down about the news.  I think she was really hoping to be out of here by Christmas.  I told her that we will have a party in her room.  The nurses told me that Christmas around here is pretty fun.  Kirk will be here for a couple of weeks and I also think that will help Alyssa.  I will stay at the townhome tonight while Kirk stays here with her.  I think what is going to happen is that I will stay with her during the day while stays at the townhome and works.  After he gets done with work he will come up to the hospital and I will go home and sleep.

Kirk and Bryan gave her a blessing.  She told me that Kirk told her that there will not any complications with this next phase.  I was down getting her something to eat when the blessing given.  I know that really calmed her down.  All in all it has been another overwhelming day.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Gingerbread houses, brothers and carolers

She is making palettes but no nutrafills.  Dr. Peterson came in told her he would really like to get her out before Christmas.  He said that he would like to do a bone marrow biospey tomorrow to see if they can give her some medicine to boost the nutrafills.    He told that they were going to do everything to see if she can be home for Christmas. 

 Bryan and my dad came to visit today.  It really boosted Alyssa's spirits to see her brother.  Kirk is on his way tomorrow.  I hope the weather holds.  Kelsey is driving out next week with a friend.  It will be nice to have all my family together again.

Ann Mangrum (Alyssa's piano teacher and Young Women's President) came the other day to visit and she gave Alyssa a gingerbread house kit.  We made it today and gave it to the nurses to have at their station.  She had a good time doing it and it really boosted her spirits.  Thanks Ann for thinking of her.

We just got done listening to carolers at our door.  We can't go out but we opened the blind and watched them  It was wonderful.  They were all having a hard time with their emotions.  As soon as they were done a lady came up and told us that her husband was in our room and they made a quilt in this room.  She then told us that this was all of his family.  She then told us that he passed away 6 months ago.  She told us that they wanted to come and sing to the patients because they know what it is like to be in the hospital and can't leave.  It meant so much to us.  I can't believe how wonderful people are.  Alyssa and I have all ready decided that we are coming up here to volunteer and to carol to the doors.

Alyssa's gingerbread house.

Her spirits are good today.  I hope she keeps having good days.  Again I am so thankful for so many things.  I am so thankful the miracles that we have seen ever since we have started on this journey.  I know that Heavenly Father is in charge and he has a plan.  I know that we are here for a reason that we don't know but I am trusting Him and I hope that I can always listen to his way.  I love all of you and your love and concern.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Happy Sunday

When she got up this morning she asked me again if she could go to sacrament meeting.  When the missionaries came in to give her the sacrament her nurse Ben came in also to get the sacrament.  I asked him if she could go to sacrament meeting.  He said that he thought that was okay as long as she had her protective gear on and if we stayed in the back.  If there were anybody coughing or sneezing we would have to leave.  It really brightened up Alyssa and my day.  It was nice to sing the hymns and listen to talks.  It was a nice hour. 

She is doing very good.  Yesterday she only threw up once and that was first thing in the morning.  She said her stomach was kind of feeling funny just a minute ago,  She said that she was going to take a nap.  She has learned to breath slow and steady when she is feeling sick and usually if she tries to sleep a little bit it helps.  It is very interesting to watch her learn about what her body is telling her.  I think we all need to learn that little tidbit!

The doctors are pleased with her progress.   We are still waiting for her blood count to come up.  The lung doctor says that her lungs are just about back to normal.  They are getting better and better everyday. 

She is really getting tired of being in the hospital but she is such a trooper.  She is excited to see Bryan, Kirk & Kelsey.  They should all be here sometime next week.  I am excited to see all of my family.  I am so thankful this time of the year.  I know that our family will never look at Christmas the same again.
Nurse Ben trying on her wig.  I think that he has it on upside down.  He is really fun and brings a smile to Alyssa's face all the time.

Dr. Pearl, the lung specialist.  He likes to banter with her everyday.  He always asks her trivia questions and she has to come up with trivia questions for him.

Dr Peterson, the head Leukemia doctor.  He is from Denmark and Alyssa really likes him.  He is a great doctor.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

More of the waiting game

We think that we have solved the throwing up problem.  The medicine that they gave her to get her bowels working right seem to be doing the trick.  She has a had a really good day today.  She has kept everything down and she is eating really good. 

Sometime last week she was getting up to go to bathroom and I was gone showering and she  got her iv pole caught on the cord and fell on the ground.  A nurse named Ben came and helped her get up.  She now has a sign on her door that she has a falls risk.  She has never had Ben as a nurse until today.  He is a really nice nurse.  When I came back from showering he told me that she was asleep and she didn't fall.  When I got back into the room he had written her a note on a dry erase board that they have in her room.  The note says, "Thanks for not falling.  Keep fighting!!  You rock.  She really liked that note and I am sure it will stay up there to inspire her.  He also put her wig on she said that it was quite funny.

When we go on our walks there are some really cool sayings around.  I took pictures of them so we could remember them.  She wants to make a leukemia quilt with those sayings on it and the pictures of her wonderful caretakers.  All in all we have had a good day.

One of the tiles

The other tile

Nurse Ben

PA Andrea

Friday, December 17, 2010

More of her Favorite nurses and cna's

Nurse Tony

CNA Daniel.  He was her CNA when she was admitted.

Nurse Mariah.  Her husband served his mission in Omaha during the time that we have lived there.

We have hair!

The american cancer society has a program that a lady comes around and lets you try on wigs and if you like one you can have it for free.  The lady came yesterday and Alyssa found one that she liked.  She didn't wear it yesterday.  I think that it overwhelmed her a little.  After her shower  today I talked her into wearing it for the day.  When her leukemia doctor came into to talk to her he had to ask if that was her real hair.  She has had a lot of compliments on it.  It think that it has boosted her self esteem.

She is still not making white blood cells.  She had to have 4 bags of blood products today.  She is still getting sick every day.  I talked to the doctor and they are going to give her some other kind of medicine to help her bowels moving.  They think that the food just sits in her stomach and then it has to be moved somehow so she is throwing up. 

When the doctor came in today they told her that they are not going to give her the ATRA treatment.  This is the treatment that is so good at killing the disease but this was part of the treatment that caused all the lung and brain issues.  I was relieved to  hear that they are not going to restart it.  When her numbers get up and she is released she will start the second part of the treatment.  They will give her arsenic in place of the ATRA.  She will have this done at childern's hospital.  Our insurance said that she could do this first treatment here but we needed to go to a contracted hospital for the outpatient.  Dr. Peterson told me that he would only trust a few hospitals doing that treatment.  He said the childern's is excellent.  I feel bad that she has to get to know new doctors and nurses but I know that she will good care.  I just don't understand insurance companies.

My new hair.  I think she looks great.  We need to take it into a hair salon when she gets out of hospital and they need to cut the bangs a little different and even up the sides. 
All in all she has a good day with the exception of throwing up.  Oh and she doesn't have the disease that they thought she had when then did the spinal tap.  Me and Doctor Peterson had all ready come to that conclusion.  I guess I should be a doctor!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Still the Waiting Game

NEWSFLASH!  Alyssa slept without oxygen last night.  The is the first time she has slept with oxygen since going down to ICU.  She has been sleeping in a recliner ever since she came up from ICU.  She had a nap in the bed today.  She told me that she doesn't like to sleep in the bed because she always starts coughing.  She then said she was afraid to sleep in it.  She was so excited to take a nap and not start coughing.  She said that she is going to sleep in the bed tonight.  I am sure she will sleep better.  

Her counts still are not coming up but she has a little of platelets.  They say that is good because the counts will start coming in.  She is really hoping to get out before Christmas.  I told her that we can celebrate Christmas any day. 

She was kind of tired today.  She threw up again and then ate right after.  Kind of weird.  Her friend Reed came and visited her tonight and I think that cheered her up.  Mom and Dad came tonight and we played 2 games of FARKLE.  Alyssa won the first game and I won the second game.  It was a good game for her to play because you have to add the dice. 

Oh by the way she had 5 questions for the lung doctor (Dr. Pearl) and he didn't know the answer to any questions.  I think she was impressed that she could trip him up.  He told her tonight that she needed to have another question for him tomorrow.  He is going to ask her a cooking question tomorrow night.  This doctor's personality is really coming out.  When she was very sick he was all business.  Now that she is getting better he likes to joke with her.  It is fun to see Alyssa react to him.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

One more day

Alyssa has been kind of sad today.  She just wants to get out of the hospital.  She wants it all to be done.  She misses seeing her family  and friends.  My mom stayed with her while my dad and I went to get the keys to the townhome that we will be living in when we leave the hospital.  I still can't believe how wonderful people are. 

The doctors all are saying that she is doing really good.  Dr. Peterson came in tonight and told her that he thinks that she is starting to make platelats (don't know how to spell it).  So that is good.  We are still in the waiting game to wait for her numbers to come up.

Her sweet bishopric and the activities committee chair person came to visit her tonight.  They brought all sorts of things to keep her busy.  She has nail polish,  playing cards, burts bees chapstick, a calming waterfall, photo cube, table top air hockey game, checkers and a sweet book that her ward members wrote her notes.  It really brightened her night and day.  Thank you so much for thinking of her.  I know that there are so many things that are being done for her that I am not even aware of.  I still can't believe how wonderful the power of the priesthood is.  I know that her brain is healing itself because of all of the blessings that she has received.  Words can never express how thankful I am for everything that is being done for me and my family.  Thanks again for all of your support.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

More Pictures

Transporter JD.  She really likes him.  He told her that he checks the board and tries to come everytime to get her.  He comes in and just says hi when he is up on the floor.

Nurse John.  One of her favorite nurses.  He is very nice to Alyssa and very helpful.  He is a lot of fun.  He was her nurse when she was admitted.

Good News

It is amazing what it does for Alyssa's spirits when she has a good couple of days and a couple nights.  The last 2 days have been great.    It has been so fun to have her personality come back.  Every day she gets better and better.  She is even joking around with the nurses and doctors.  

The doctors are still little confused on her case.  We have not got the results back from the spinal tap yet.  The results from here came back negative they are waiting  for the results from California.  The neurologist wanted to to another MRI to see what her brain is doing.  She doesn't like doing those at all.  When she came back she was pretty stressed out.  Bless her hear she is so tired of all of the tests. 

When the nurse told her this morning around 5 that she didn't need to get poked everyday for blood tests.  I think that she was going to get up out of her chair and do a dance. 

The results came back from her MRI and the hot spots are all  shrinking.  I think that the doctors are all shocked.  I really think that her brain is just taking a little longer to recover from all that has happened.  She really doesn't want to have another MRI.  I told her that she might have to have another one just to make sure that all is well.

Her homework from the lung specialist is to find up with a question that he can't answer.  He always asks her bizarre questions and she can't figure out why he is asking her these questions.  Any one have any bizarre questions for her to ask him?  

Monday, December 13, 2010

Now a waiting game

Alyssa didn't have a good night with the nurse she doesn't like.  I talked to the Nurse manager today and she is going to take care of it.  Alyssa had the physical therapist come in today and showed her some back exercises to help her aching back.  She has had a great day.  Her head and back have not hurt her today and she has had no pain medicine. 

She is getting bored and she asked me if she could crochet something.  I went to the only store that I know hoping they had yarn.  I was in luck.  I found a pattern for a blanket and bought some yarn and a hook.  I have never been good at reading crochet patterns.  I think I figured it out.  I think that she is excited to start a project and I think that will make her feel better.

The doctor came in and said that everything is on track and we are just waiting for her blood counts to come up.  As soon as they come up for several days then she can be released from the hospital and start the next round of chemo.  Hopefully the counts will come up fairly quickly.  We are still waiting for  the spinal tap results.  Every doctor that we have talked to thinks that it is negative because of the progress that she is making.  

On a side note, I can't believe the weather here.  It feels like spring.  Kirk tells me that there was a blizzard there.  As much as I miss Kirk I am glad I am in the good weather state!  Thanks again for everything that everyone is doing for Alyssa.
CNA Melanie and Nurse Becky.  We called Melanie down not telling her what we wanted.  She thought it was a emergency.  She was a good sport about it, she wanted to know how many pictures she needed to be in.  She is in a previous picture.  Alyssa really likes her.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Alyssa had a good night again.  She woke up and wanted to really go to sacrament meeting.  There are missionaries that are assigned to a branch in the hospital.  They come around on Sundays and give us the sacrament.  They also have a sacrament meeting.  They told Alyssa that she can't go because of her immune system so compromised.    This the first week that she felt good enough to go.  She was very disappointed. 

She went down to get her ex ray of her lungs (she goes every morning).   She is very excited when her favorite transporter comes.  He came today and that made her day.  She had a shower and had a quite a few walks today.

She was having such a good day until right around dinner and then all of sudden she threw up.  She said that she didn't real feel sick.  After all that I left for awhile because my dad was singing in the choir that he is in at temple square.  It was so nice to hear him sing, I haven't heard his choir sing for probably 10 years.  I came back and she didn't look very good.  I asked her what was wrong and she said that her head and stomach hurt.  She said that she had called for the nurse to come and give her something for it.  In comes the nurse that I requested not to have.  She just broke down.  I told her that let's see how tonight goes.  If she doesn't sleep or has a bad night I told her I would go and talk to the charge nurse tomorrow about it. 

We went for  a walk and she is now trying to sleep.  Hope all goes well.  The speech therapist came today and she said that she is doing good.  It is really good for Alyssa to talk to her because she is really helping her decide what she wants to do with her major. 

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Best Day Ever

She had a great night.  In fact she was awake before I was.  She has had a great day.  She has felt really good all day long.  She has had 2 long walks.  We ordered pizza and she was thrilled to have it.  She is sort of getting a headache but her nurse John is so good.  He has taken care of her so good today.  It is amazing how much a difference it makes when you have a great nurse. 

The speech therapist and occupational therapist both came and visited her.  I wasn't here when they came but she said that it was good.  She is improving everyday.  I hope that this continues.  It has been fun to see Alyssa coming back.  I found some cute earings for her and she looks so cute.

Thanks Justin and Miranda for the life water, cute hats, pj's and earrings.  Alyssa loves them. 

Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas Concert

We got back from the Christmas concert.  It was excellent.  A family that knows this band arranged for them to come.  It was the highlight of the week for Alyssa.  They were very good.  I have enclosed some pictures of it and Alyssa's room. 

This is Alyssa's concert attire.  She looked so cute in her purple outfit.

Her Christmas ledge

Her feel good wall

Another feel good wall

The band

Part of the concert.  They forgot their king outfit so they made due with hospital stuff

One of Alyssa's nurses brought her in these pins.  They say, I Love pain meds, The nurse's favorite, Chemo Sucks, One Tough Chick

I can't believe how nice people are to  come and brighten these hospital patients.  Alyssa had a goal to go to the concert all week.  I am so glad that she got to go. 

What a Night

Well we had a horrible night.  She was so much in pain from the spinal tap.  Her back and head hurt her really bad.   Her nurse was so sweet and tried everything to try to get her comfortable.  She finally got to sleep around 5:30 am then the lady came in to take blood.  Alyssa always tells them that she has really bad veins.  (thanks to her mom).  Well this lady just didn't believe her and stuck her 4 times to get the blood.  That was what broke the camel's back.  She started crying and was in so much pain and tired.  The nurse felt so bad for her.  She told the nurse coming on at 7 that she had not had to much sleep so they tried to coordinate when they came in.  They got her pain under control and she finally got some sleep.

 As soon as she came back from ex ray I got her settled and I went to the Kimball and went to sleep for a couple of hours and had a shower.  It is amazing how much better you feel after some sleep and a shower.  When I got back she had lunch and went for a extra long walk.  After the walk she had a shower.  She was just sitting there and got sick to her stomach and threw up.  They gave her medicine and she wanted to eat some applesauce.  Then she promptly went to sleep.

The Christmas concert is at 8 tonight and she is so excited to go.  I told her to have a nap so she will be all refreshed for the concert.  She told me that when I was gone a lady came around and played a harp for all of the patients.  She said that it was very relaxing.  I am sure it was wonderful.  The nurses told me that this lady had been volunteering for about 2 years playing the harp.  What a wonderful service.  When I left I put on some relaxing Christmas music for her and she loved it.

When we get back from the concert I will let you know how that goes.  Her lungs are looking better so I don't think that a scope is going to have to be done.  We have not heard anything from the spinal tap.  I don't think that we will hear anything until Monday.  I truly believe that she doesn't have the virus that they think that she has.  She improves everyday. 

Thursday, December 9, 2010

More Tests

She had a slight fever last night but for the most part she slept pretty good.  Sometimes her door feels like a revolving door with all of the doctors coming in to see her.  She had a session with the speech and occupational therapists today.  These mind puzzles that they are giving her sometimes wears her out.

She kept trying to eat her lunch but the doctors kept coming in.  Even the nurse has said that she can't get in to give her meds.  Sometimes I just wish  one doctor would come in tell us stuff instead of 10 doctors coming in and telling us the same thing.

They are a little puzzled because one test in her spinal fluid came back positive from one lab and negative from other labs.  They wanted to do another spinal tap and test it again.  If they get a negative result they will believe that it is negative.  They came in while she was trying to eat and told her that they were doing another spinal tap in 30 minutes.  She about inhaled her food and waited and waited and waited and kept getting more nervous.  Almost 2 hours later they came and got her.  She did fine but now she needs to lay flat for at least a hour or more.  She doesn't really like doing that because she says the bed is very uncomfortable.  She would rather be in the recliner.  She is watching a movie right now trying to take her mind away from the pain in her back.

We should know the results of the spinal tap in a few days.  She has  a little fluid in one lung again and the lung doctor wants to do another scope but he can't do that until the test from the spinal fluid comes back.  She has a minor fever tonight.  Hopefully they can get to bottom of this.  After seeing how she has reacted to a fever I am scared to death for her to get a cold.  After saying that please don't come and see her if you are sick in anyway. 

They keep telling me that Alyssa's case has been pretty complicated.  I just wish she could go through one thing without complications.  She is such a trooper.  She was pretty scared to do the spinal tap but she did great. 

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What a Busy Day

Horray Alyssa slept so good last night.  She had a awesome nurse and really kept her comfortable.  She broke her fever this morning and she is doing great today.  When the CNA came in to weigh her she couldn't believe that she slept  so long. 

 We ordered breakfast and then they said that they were going to take her to get a MRI and chest ex ray.  Just when her breakfast came they came to take her to the MRI.  I put the breakfast in the fridge for her to eat later.  I left and went and did some errands while she was in her test.  When I was on the way back Alyssa called and told me The Elgan's were there visiting.  That is my sister, her son went into the MTC today so it was a bittersweet day for them.  I got back and visited with them for a minute and said goodbye to my nephew.  Carlos take good care of him.  Brother and Sister Carlos are his mission president.  I know it meant a lot to Alyssa to say good bye to him.

After the Elgans left I got her breakfast heated it up for her and then they told me that she needed to go have a CT Scan done.  Meghan, Heather & Grandma Ward were on their way bringing lunch.  We just put Alyssa's lunch in the fridge since she just got done eating breakfast.  She went down to her CT scan.  After she got back she had a shower and went for a walk.  Her goal today was taking 3 walks.  With everything going on she has had only 1.  We will probably go on one later on tonight.

She has felt really good.  I hope that she has a good night and a better day tomorrow.  They say that there is still some bright spots on her brain but she is improving so much that they can't figure out what it is.  They sent her spinal fluid to a lab in California and it came back positive for one virus but when they ran the same test before sending it away it came back negative.  They are sending the spinal fluid back and re test it here and see what results they get.  They might have to do another spinal tap.  We will know more soon.

They think that the fever is from her central line.  Some doctors want to pull it out and some want to let the antibiotics  work.  It looks better today so I guess we will wait for tomorrow. 

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Alyssa's Nurse, CNA & Speech Therapist

CNA Melanie, Speech Therapist Pardis, Nurse Jodi.  Blanket was given to Alyssa from the department.  She loves it.  I told her she looks like she is going to play twister

More Fevers

Well we had a rough start to the night.  She threw up twice and then we finally got her settled and she slept for about 4 hours for a good sleep.  We were not very happy with the nurse.  I kept asking her if we could give her something for her pain.  She would just ignore Alyssa and would really not talk to her.  We had her for 2 nights in a row and they were miserable nights.  This morning around 7:30 the new CNA came in for the day came in to check her vitals.  Alyssa said that she needed something for pain.  The CNA told us that she would send in the nurse.  We got the nurse from the night because the morning nurse was still in rounds.  Alyssa was not happy. 

The nurse came in shortly for the day.  She was so much better than the night nurse.  I asked the day nurse if she could request that we don't get that nurse again.  She would see what she could do.  She was very sweet.  She took care of Alyssa wonderfully.  We have had such great nurses until the last 2 nights.

She slept for most of the morning.  She had a slight fever but it was holding so we were happy about that.  She had a goal to go on 2 walks.  We went on one in the early afternoon and had a shower.  She was doing fine so I told her I was going to go and have a shower.  She wanted a Arby's roast beef so I told her I would try to find one.  This must mean that I love her because I don't know downtown SLC  and I don't like driving when I don't know where I am going.

Well I went and had a shower and I was putting some stuff in the trunk of the car and shut the trunk.  I realized that I had just locked the keys in the trunk.  I  opened the door to see if the back seats came down.  I thought they did when Alyssa bought the car.  I called Alyssa and she said that her fever had spiked again.  I asked her if the seats went down.  She said that you had to fold them down from the trunk.  I told her I would be there when I could.  I then went into the Kimball and asked them to help me find a locksmith.  She asked me if there was a button to open the trunk in the car.  I went and looked and couldn't find one.  I waited for the locksmith to come.  He came and he asked me if the car was opened.  I said that it was.  He went around and found a button to open the trunk.  I was so embarrassed.  He  said that he would forget that he ever saw me. 

Now on to find Arby's.  I drove around a couple of places and I was about ready to go to Wendy's and I turned the corner and there was Arby's.  The Lord is really watching out for me. 

I got back and Alyssa looked like she was had been taken care of very nicely.  She said that she wanted to eat Arby's.  I gave her hot chocolate and she loved that.  Thanks mom for giving me that.  She is resting comfortably and the nurse just came in and said that her fever is leveling off.  Hopefully later on when she wakes up we can go on another walk so we can accomplish our goal for the day

This roller coaster is quite the ride.  I hope that she can have a couple of good days.  Her goal is to be better to go to a holiday concert that the nurses are putting on for the patients on Friday.  Keep her in your prayers so she can go to this.  I really believe that would help her moral. 

Monday, December 6, 2010

This roller coaster ride

Another rough night.  She shaved her hair and had a shower.  She then climbed into bed and was complaining about her stomach.  She just didn't feel right.  Through out the night she didn't feel good around 2:30 a.m. I called the nurse and said that that she just didn't look right and she felt very hot.  The nurse took her temp and said that she had a fever.  She had to do a blood culture on her central line to see if those lines are compromised.  She got some medicine and she finally got some sleep.

She wanted  to give something to the ICU nurses and the nurses that are taking care of her.  I asked my sweet mom to make some homemade oreos.  Today Alyssa and I put the frosting in between the cookies.  We were going to get special permission to go down to ICU to give the staff down there cookies.  Well that changed when she got another temperature.  Her blood pressure went up so they are watching it close.  The nurse explained that her counts have not come up so that is why she is having this temperature problem.  She said that this is normal.  Alyssa is very scared to have to go back to ICU.  We assured her that was not happening. 

Cariann and Amber  came up to visit her from ICU.  That really cheered her up.  She also received mail today.  She got two cards from everyone at the Cougareat and Sister Mangrum.  She was very touched by everyone's concern for her. 

My mom made her some really cute hats.  I don't think that she can get too excited about them right now because she just dosen't feel well.  When she is feeling better I will post some pictures.  She looks very cute.   The charge nurse came around and said that she needed to get better by Friday because they are having a Christmas concert for their patients.  I hope that she can go to that because I think that will help her alot.

I took the cookies down to ICU and gave the plate to the nurses up here.  They were touched that even when Alyssa was sick she wanted to thank her nurses.  The occupational therapist came in and visited her and gave her some exercises to strengthen her muscles.  They also gave her a simple word problem to solve.  She just couldn't look at it because she was very over whelmed after she left.  

When Dr. Peterson (leukemia doctor) came in he told her that from his stand point everything is on track for her.  He  told her that we were not going to have anymore drama.  Alyssa looked at him tried not to laugh at him.  I am sure she thought that was easy for him to say.

Alyssa is such a good trooper.  I love her so much and I know that she will pull through this.  I am sure when this is all said and done she will have such a strong testimony and great empathy for hospital patients when she is working with them.

I got a phone call last night from a sweet sister in my ward in Omaha.  She asked me where I was staying and I told her the hospital and the Kimball condos.  She asked me what I was going to do after the hospital.  I told her that we have not crossed that bridge.  I can only think one day at a time.  She told me that they have a townhome in west valley that is empty.  They would like us to stay in it.  I am so touched by everyone and their concern and love for me and my family.  Thank you to everyone.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

A nice Sunday

Alyssa finally had a good nights sleep.   I think we figured out the secret to the back pain.  We put a heating pad on her last night and it was much better.  She was very comfortable all night.  She would get up to go to the bathroom and eat some little things and take her medicine and go right back to sleep.  It is amazing how much better you function the next day with some sleep.

 When she got up she ordered breakfast and ate it all gone.  Her sweet relief society presidency came and visited and I went and turned in my key to the hospital housing.  When I got back she was throwing up.  I think that she was pretty embarrassed to be throwing up with all of them here.  They gave her another dose of nausea medicine.  She climbed in bed and had a little cat nap.  I said that it must be her pattern to get light headed, throw up and then have a killer headache after and it

The PA came in after rounds and said that they were adjusting her meds.  Taking away one that they thought was causing her to be sick to her stomach.  Also, giving her a anti nausea medicine on a scheduled time so they can keep ahead of it.  She ate a good lunch and then her friend Hannah and her fiance came to visit.  She had a good visit and I think that she was glad to see someone other than me.

I had to leave and go check into the Kimball house and do our laundry.  My parents and their friends pulled together to get enough days to stay over there most of the month.  I still stay at night with her and then I go over to the Kimball to shower, do laundry and sometimes have a nap.  I am so blessed to have such great parents.  They have been such a great support to me and Alyssa.

When I got back they said that she could move to her new room.  When we came up stairs from the ICU her old room had a recliner.  It was gone when we got up there. I requested it because I knew that she would be more comfortable.  They brought in a couch that folds into a bed for me.  They told her that she could move to another room that is so much bigger when it was available.  It is really nice to be in a room that has a little more room.  She can see temple square from her window we have been told.  It is foggy tonight so we will wait and see tomorrow. 

She is getting ready to take a shower and shave her head.  She woke up this morning and there were clumps of hair everywhere.  She said that she couldn't look at that again so shaving will be so much easier.  The nurse gave us some catalogs that have some really cute hats.  There are some hats here that volunteers have made that we will use.  I saw some cute patterns on the Internet that I will print off and start making for her.  She is a little depressed about her hair but she says that is better than seeing all of the hair in the morning.

Her new room number is E801 just across the hall from her old room.  I hope that we have a good night like we did last night and hopefully when she wakes up she won't lose her breakfast.  I am so grateful for all of your prayers and concern for Alyssa.  She is so much better and I feel that we will learn many things from this experience.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

A full day

Again Alyssa had a rough night.  Her back is always hurting her and she can never get comfortable.  She is so scared to be going back downstairs that she is pretty scared when her oxygen monitor goes off.    I told her that she was fine and we needed to figure out how to get over this scared feeling.

She woke up and ordered her breakfast and half way through it she said that she was light headed and she was getting nauseated.  Her nurse Kyle came in and gave her a high blood pressure medicine, anti nauseated medicine and a pain killer for her head.  She crawled in bed and went to sleep for a good 30 minutes and then all the nurses and doctors started coming in.

We finally got her feeling okay so I went and took a shower and went on a quest to find short sleeve pj's that have a button front so they could get to her central line.  She gets really hot in long sleeves.  Right after I took a shower she called me and I thought something was wrong.  She told me the physical therapist was there and he needed to talk to me.  I only got lost once going to find the pj's.  I don't really know Salt Lake very well.  I have had my Dad and Kirk write me directions to go to some places but I still get confused.

When I got back she had ordered her lunch and had been doing word searches for the occupational therapist.  She was in the middle of eating her lunch and then she threw up.  I called the nurse and he gave her some more anitnauseate medicine.Right after she threw up she asked Kyle if she could finish her lunch.  What a trooper to want to finish her lunch, I would have wanted to crawl back into bed.  She finished her soup that she was eating.  Kyle told me that it usually takes about a week to start feeling the effects of the chemo.  She then wanted to have a shower so she got up and had a shower.  I combed her hair and put into pigtail braids.  When I was combing her hair it was coming out pretty easily.  She something about it and I told her that she could get a  cool wig color that she was always trying to change her hair color to.

She had said that everything is starting to taste not so good.  Again Kyle told her that is from the chemo.  She went for a walk, when she goes for a walk she has to put all this stuff on so she can't get germs.  I will enclose her picture.  After her walk Kyle gave her some more medicine and she is sleeping peacefully.  Hopefully that will last.

The lung doctor came in and showed us her lungs and wow has she improved.  No wonder she couldn't breathe after looking at the ex rays.  He said that her lungs are looking very good.  She has not been on oxygen all day and her numbers are great.

Some more nurses in the ICU, Jen and Amber

My number one fans,   Grandpa & Grandma Beecher

My favorite respatory therapist Megan

This is what I have to put on when I go for a walk.
Thanks Jordan for the purple christmas tree.  She loves it and likes looking at the lights.

Friday, December 3, 2010


Alyssa had a kind of a rough night again.   All of her stats were good but she felt like she just couldn't get her breath.  She is still getting her antibiotics in the iv and she had to have some more palates last night to keep her numbers up.  They could have given her some medicine to help her get rid of the fluid but then she would have been going to bathroom every 30 minutes.  

The minute that her ex ray was done this morning which was around 7:15 she wanted to eat.  She ordered french toast, cheesy eggs, grape and orange juice and mandarin oranges.  She ate everything and then went and had a shower.  She was so excited because she got to wear "real" pajamas last night.  

She is getting better and better each day.  She can do more things hour by hour.  She still has to really think to do little things.  Like opening a can of pop.  Her doctors and nurses are very pleased with her progress.  Around 11:30 they came and told her that she gets to move up to her old room.  She was pretty excited.  The doctor asked her if she had any questions.  She said that she had one.  She was hungry and wanted to know if she could order her lunch.  The doctor came back and said  that she would be moving at the shift change at 7:00.  So she ordered cheese ravioli, dinner roll, chocolate pudding, brownie, strawberry ice cream  One of her nurses brought her a rootbeer.

They have changed all the medicine that they could to pill form to try to stop the fluid intake because she just can't take a lot of fluid.    The physical therapist has come several times to help her with her balance.  She had to walk around the ICU and she had to walk around objects on the floor.  She also had to find yellow post it notes around the room.  She did really well but you can still tell that she is not quite right. 

The occupational therepist is here working with her with her fine motor skills.  I think that she is going to fine but she just have to retrain her brain.  She is trying to put her socks on and she had to really try to get them on but she did it.  She has a hard time though.  When she was typing a email to Cheri to thank her for her pillowcases she told me that she knew she needed to type a letter W but she didn't know how to get her finger on the W. 

All in all it is a good day.  They say that she is doing really well and her numbers are doing good. 

Thursday, December 2, 2010

This is Newman, he is  the respiratory therapist that rigged her oxygen so she could go to her MRI

Another one of her favorite nurse, Amber

Pillow cases that Cheri and Bertie sent

What a day

Alyssa had a pretty good night.  She didn't use the cpac mask at all.  She got a little fluid in her lungs when they were giving her antibiotics.  She was getting a little anxious about it.  Her heart rate and oxygen level were fine.  We talked her through it and she then went to sleep.

She had the physical therapist came and evaluated her.  Helped her do stairs and have been working with her.  She is still has a little trouble with her equilibrium, moving her left arm,  and processing how to do things.  She gets distracted easily.  She is 100 percent better than any of the days she has been here.  The lung specialist came in and said that she is doing very well.  The MRI came back and it was the same as before.  They talked about doing another MRI next week.  With that being said they all can see the improvement with her and are very hopeful that she will recover completely from this seizure.

The nurse practioner asked her if she remember the last week that she has been here.  All she said was that she remembers having seizures and seeing blue lights.  We told her that we are glad that you don't remember what has been going on.

My sweet sister in law came and watched movies and visited her.  While Debbie was here I left with my parents and showered and went to lunch and went to a quilt store.  (Imagine that).  It was so good to get away from the hospital.  I am sure Alyssa would love to leave the hospital too.  When we were coming back from the hospital Debbie called me and said that Alyssa would love some pizza.  We drove on a wild goose chase in downtown SLC in quest for a pizza shop.  We found one and brought it back.  She ate a whole 8" pizza and 8 oz. chocolate milk.  She is getting ready to order dinner.  We are waiting for the nurse to tell us if she can order from the "real" menu, not the soft foods menu.

When I left she was still on the face mask with humidty.  I believe that they had her using 60% oxygen.  When I got back she just has oxygen in the nose and barely on oxygen.  She doesn't have to have the humidty so her room is very quiet now.  She is alot more steady on her feet than she was this morning.  The staff here is so excited that she has made so much progress.  Her nurse is telling her that they are thinking that if she has a good night she will probably get to go upstairs tomorrow.

Thanks Cheri and Bertie for the pillowcases.  They came today and she loves them.  She has used all of them for her back and arms.  I am so grateful that she has turned the corner. 

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Some Pictures of Alyssa in ICU

Alyssa with her tent face mask in the ICU.  One of the nurses braided her hair for her

Some of her favorite ICU nurses, Caireann & Vanesa

Alyssa & Shannon P.   Shannon was Alyssa's nurse quite a few nights.  She was always very patient with Alyssa.

Teresa and Alyssa. 

Shannon H. & Denece.  Denece was with Alyssa when she had her seizures.  Shannon showed me how to upload pictures on the computer

Another day that has been busy

Alyssa didn't sleep very well last night.  I felt so bad for her she just couldn't get comfortable.  They stopped the medicine that takes all of her fluid out of her body.  The reason they do this is because she is not having so much fluid going in and they want her body to try to do it on its own.  She was coughing a lot and she was getting filled with fluid.  She actually asked for the c pack mask last night.  They don't like her to be on that all the time because it breathes for her and she doesn't have to work at breathing.

She awoke pretty scared and I told her that it was good she was coughing because that was good for lungs.  Her eyes were all puffy.  She asked if Grandpa could come and give her a blessing.  I called and my parents came running.  She had a blessing and they gave her some medicine to try to relax her.  She finally went to sleep.

I was pretty tired so I went back to the hotel and got some sleep.  When I woke up I texted my mom and she said that she was doing great.  They had given her a little bit of medicine to get rid of the fluid in her system.  She was eating mac & cheese, carrots, 2 cartons of choc. milk and chocolate pudding.   I guess there was some discussion about her not eating.  They didn't have what she ate yesterday.  My mom straightened them out on that.  We were just leaving the hotel and my mom said come now they are taking her down to have another mri.  We ran over to the hospital.  We got there just in time to say good bye and we loved her.  Mom said that the respiratory therapsit and the nurse were trying to figure out how to take the oxygen into the mri.  The respiratory therapist came up with an adjustment so she could take it in with her.  It reminded me of Apollo 13 when they had to use different things to bring them home.

She got back from the MRI and she was a little sedated.  While she was sleeping my Dad and I went and inquired about hospital housing.  They gave me a room that is right across from the hospital.  It is not the hilton but it has a bed and a shower.  I am so grateful that I can go over there and get some rest and have a shower.  I will still stay here at night but I will go over sometime during the day.  Alyssa told me she doesn't like it when I leave but I told her I need to take care of me in order to take care of her.

I think we have her schooling and apartment taken care of so now we are set on those things.  Kirk called and said that his boss has no problem working remotely temporarily.   Permanently he is going to have to check on it.  I am so excited that he will be able to come back.  The hospital housing will be nice for him to.  Hopefully the housing has internet so he could work some over there. 

We don't have the results back from the MRI yet.  Most of the results have come back from the spinal tap.  And they are all negative.  The nurse did say that they are sending something to California to test it.  It amazes me what they can do with a little fluid from our bodies

Alyssa had a great dinner.  She had a whole bowl of potatoe soup, green beans, banana, grape juice and custard.  She ate everything except for a few green beans and she is going to finish the custard later to night.  She is resting comfortably and watching How the Grinch stole Christmas.  We are trying to keep her awake until around 9 so maybe she will get a good night's sleep.

She seems to get more and more each day back of her mobility.  She can mover her arms better and she seems to be more coherent.  Hopefully that will continue and she climb the next mountain.  I am so proud of her.  She has been so brave for all the things that she has had to go through.  She has a lot of faith.