Friday, December 3, 2010


Alyssa had a kind of a rough night again.   All of her stats were good but she felt like she just couldn't get her breath.  She is still getting her antibiotics in the iv and she had to have some more palates last night to keep her numbers up.  They could have given her some medicine to help her get rid of the fluid but then she would have been going to bathroom every 30 minutes.  

The minute that her ex ray was done this morning which was around 7:15 she wanted to eat.  She ordered french toast, cheesy eggs, grape and orange juice and mandarin oranges.  She ate everything and then went and had a shower.  She was so excited because she got to wear "real" pajamas last night.  

She is getting better and better each day.  She can do more things hour by hour.  She still has to really think to do little things.  Like opening a can of pop.  Her doctors and nurses are very pleased with her progress.  Around 11:30 they came and told her that she gets to move up to her old room.  She was pretty excited.  The doctor asked her if she had any questions.  She said that she had one.  She was hungry and wanted to know if she could order her lunch.  The doctor came back and said  that she would be moving at the shift change at 7:00.  So she ordered cheese ravioli, dinner roll, chocolate pudding, brownie, strawberry ice cream  One of her nurses brought her a rootbeer.

They have changed all the medicine that they could to pill form to try to stop the fluid intake because she just can't take a lot of fluid.    The physical therapist has come several times to help her with her balance.  She had to walk around the ICU and she had to walk around objects on the floor.  She also had to find yellow post it notes around the room.  She did really well but you can still tell that she is not quite right. 

The occupational therepist is here working with her with her fine motor skills.  I think that she is going to fine but she just have to retrain her brain.  She is trying to put her socks on and she had to really try to get them on but she did it.  She has a hard time though.  When she was typing a email to Cheri to thank her for her pillowcases she told me that she knew she needed to type a letter W but she didn't know how to get her finger on the W. 

All in all it is a good day.  They say that she is doing really well and her numbers are doing good. 


  1. This is all so exciting! I'm glad to hear that you are playing hide and seek with the post-it notes.

    I know how you feel about not being able to find the 'W' on the keyboard. I've been practicing Japanese with the same type of results. I want to say a word, or write a character, but when I got to fetch it from the recesses of my brain, it's already left me.

    I'm confident that you'll remember how to type a 'W' much quicker than I will be able to remember how to say "I like to go to the Library" in Japanese.

    Keep up the great progress!

    -Patrick, Brenda and Zach

  2. Alyssa, glad to hear you are back in your old room :) I know how much you wanted to go back. And good that you get to wear comfy clothes again. I'm glad you are eating and being treated well.. I'm so proud of you for enduring all of this. I miss you and love you.
    -Your little sister Kelsey

  3. Alyssa, you have come such a long way in recovery.

    So glad to see you in your jammies!!!! Nothing like comfort when you are away from home.

    Keep up your determination to recover. That is the key...


  4. Dear Alyssa,
    Your mom's descriptions of all the yummy food you're eating has been making me hungry! I'm so glad and thankful things are looking good. You're one tough cookie.
    Love Meghan
