We think that we have solved the throwing up problem. The medicine that they gave her to get her bowels working right seem to be doing the trick. She has a had a really good day today. She has kept everything down and she is eating really good.
Sometime last week she was getting up to go to bathroom and I was gone showering and she got her iv pole caught on the cord and fell on the ground. A nurse named Ben came and helped her get up. She now has a sign on her door that she has a falls risk. She has never had Ben as a nurse until today. He is a really nice nurse. When I came back from showering he told me that she was asleep and she didn't fall. When I got back into the room he had written her a note on a dry erase board that they have in her room. The note says, "Thanks for not falling. Keep fighting!! You rock. She really liked that note and I am sure it will stay up there to inspire her. He also put her wig on she said that it was quite funny.
When we go on our walks there are some really cool sayings around. I took pictures of them so we could remember them. She wants to make a leukemia quilt with those sayings on it and the pictures of her wonderful caretakers. All in all we have had a good day.
One of the tiles |
The other tile |
Nurse Ben |
PA Andrea |
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