Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Now thatI have got caught up  I can tell you what is going on for the current day.  When I got here she had just ordered breakfast.  She has not eaten since Monday.  She ordered pancakes and strawberries.  She was pretty excited to eat. 

The respiratory therapist just came in and said that she was his best patient.   He just turned down her oxygen so we are moving in the right direction!  The P.A. just came in and she said that she was going to rounds and then would come in and let me know what the game plan is. 

Alyssa is a little discouraged that she has to be in ICU and that she is in the hospital on Thanksgiving. 

 I wanted to write down what I am thankful for:

1.  My family
2. My parents that would drop everything to be with my daughter when I couldn't be there with her.
3.  My husband and that the support that he is to me and Alyssa.
4.  The power of the priesthood and a husband and son that are worthy to hold it.
5.  The love and concern of so many people.
6.  I never thought I would say this but I am very thankful for texting.  While in ICU that is the only way to communicate.
7.  Laptops and the internet. 
8.  The nurses and doctors taking care of Alyssa.
9.  Health Insurance.
10.  A bed and showers.

I will be staying with Alyssa until this is done.   I am going on FLMA, that protects my job.  However, I will be paid for the rest of my PTO, which I think is about 2 weeks.  After that is done I am not paid. Kirk and Kesley are going back to Nebraska on Sunday.   Kirk is hoping to work from home and if he can do that he we pack up and move out here.  If he can't do that we will go to plan B.  We have not figured out what plan B is yet though.  We are taking it hour by hour.

By the way, anyone can visit her the only restriction is that if you have been sick you can't visit her.  Her immune system is shot.  You have to wash your hands before coming into her room and put hand sanitizer on.  Also, she can not have flowers in her room, so as sweet as that is please don't send them.

She has a dvd player in her room so I suppose we will watch several movies together.  She loves to read but she can't concentrate on that right now. 

She has been very worried about school.  She had this semester to finish and then next semester and then she would be graduated.  I have talked to the school and we are waiting to hear back from the professors. We think that she can take a incomplete in her major classes and drop her other 2 classes.  Hopefully she can work with her professors and take her finals sometime when she is feeling up to that.  The school said that she can take them up to one year.  Hopefully when she takes those finals she can then take her last two classes and graduate.  For anyone that doesn't know her major is speech therapy.  After she graduates she will go on to graduate school when she is up to it.

Thank you to all of your prayers and concern.  It feels so good to know that we have so many friends and family that are very willing to help and do whatever is necessary to help us out.  Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.  Be thankful the little things in your life, you never know what is in front of you!


  1. We are very grateful that Alyssa sought medical treatment when she did. Those bruises may be a blessing. We pray for your family and today especially that Alyssa will feel the comfort and companionship of the Holy Ghost. That somehow she will feel peace throughout this ordeal. We pray that she will be able to leave ICU. We pray for peace of mind for the rest of you and hope that you know that you have many friends who love you and are concerned for you. Take good care!

  2. What a wonderful blessing it is for Alyssa to have parents and grandparents who are willing and able to drop everything and provide such tender and loving support for their daughter. And what a blessing it is for parents and grandparents to have a daughter/granddaughter like Alyssa who apparently has handled this with grace and faith. I am impressed with Annalee's choice to be grateful for her blessings in this time of trial. I can't think of anything that could cause a parent more pain that to see their child suffer. Let us know if there is something we can do to help. Our home is open to anyone who needs it. Sarahs old room is now empty and Michael's almost never sleeps in his room anyway, so there are 2 rooms available for as long as is needed.

  3. We spent today with family and most of the day, my mind was on YOUR family and the ordeal ahead of you. Most people don't understand but we do-we have been there. It will be a long, hard thing but you will come out of this with many renewed family relationships, a better understanding of the love the Lord has for you and your family and appreciation for the little things in life. You know we love you and will support your decisions. We will be home when Kirk arrives and will be available to lend a hand if needed. We love you...

  4. Alyssa,
    Happy Thanksgiving! I hope next year you will be eating lots of turkey and worried about gaining to much weight from all the pie! I was thinking about you today and praying that you will be out of the ICU soon. You have wonderful parents! We'll be up to visit you as soon as you feel like having us. Hope tomorrow is a better day.

  5. Alyssa, Analee and Kirk,
    Thoughts and prayers have been with you and your familiy throughout this weekend. You are being watched over and will come out of the hospital stronger and more in touch with your Savior because of this challenge. Love you all - Cherlyn
