Tuesday, November 30, 2010

On Great Day

Well I don't know where to start because it has been such a great day.  I guess I will start with how she slept.  She slept from 11:30-6:00 and she was finally comfortable and she slept  very soundly.  She slept with the pressurized mask.  She asked around 6:00 if she could have a break from it.  We put on the other  and she fell asleep off and on. 

When she got up we were asking her questions and she was alot more coherent.  She could move her fingers they kept asking if she could touch her thumb to all of her fingers.  Yesterday she couldn't do that but today she did it with both hands.  Me and the nurse were thrilled.  She could not understand why we were so excited.  We told her that she couldn't do that yesterday.  She said that she could remember that.  I am so grateful that she doesn't remember what has happened the last couple of days.

After the little hand exercise we asked her where she was and how long she has been there.  She told us that she was in the hospital and she had been here for a week.  Yesterday she knew she was in the hospital but she didn't know how long she had been there.  She also thought it was January 23, 2007.  Today she still thought it was January and then she said I think that is wrong.

After all that she said that she wanted food.  The nurse went and found out if she could eat.  She came back with a menu.  Alyssa asked why she needed the feeding tube if she could eat through mouth.  We told her that they put that in last night so she could take medicine that she couldn't swallow.    She ordered mandarin oranges, applesauce , blueberry muffin, chocolate milk.  There was only a apple muffin on the menu and she wanted a blueberry muffin.   The nurse asked if there was a blueberry muffin.  They did so we waited for her breakfast.  Her breakfast came and she was thrilled to eat.  Her arms still don't work quite right so I had to feed her.  She said that it probably felt weird to feed her.  I told it was better than when you were little because you can tell me what you wanted and you didn't spit it out at me.  She took 2 bites of the muffin and she said it was awful.  The oranges is what she liked best.

After breakfast she wanted to walk so we went and walked.  After her walk her nurse asked her to make 3 goals for the day.  Her goals were to reduce her oxygen needs, take out the catheter  and get the feeding tube out.  She said that she wanted to get a shower so we were preparing to get her ready to shower.

In the middle of it the nurse had to go to rounds and she asked me to go with her.  Rounds are when all the doctors and nurses helping her come and talk about what kind of things they are doing for her.  They have determined that all of the blasts or leukemia cells are out of her body.  So the chemo is doing their job.  Most of the tests from the spinal tap are coming in negative.   They have determined that she DOESN'T have Leukemia  IN THE BRAIN.  It is due to a drug reaction.  They have determined that the ATRA is the cause so they have stopped that.  The doctor said that there are different options and they are going to do that and we have plenty of time to start that.   They are almost certain that she can get back to normal.

They have been giving her medicine to make it so she wont have seizures.   She is done with her first round of chemo.  She is only down to iv's when she has to have her antibodies.  Her IV pole's name is Frank. 

So after rounds the nurse went and found out if she could have the catheter out.  She came and took it out and she was thrilled.  We were getting ready to go to the shower when the eeg lady called and asked if they could come and do another eeg.  We decided to shower after that because they have to put goop in her hair.  Yesterday when she had the eeg she was very agitated, today she fell asleep after her friend Riley left.

While she was having her eeg I left with my dad to do a errand and go back to their hotel to have a nap and shower.  While I was gone my mom said that she had a shower and the nurses french braided her hair.  Put pajama bottoms on and ordered some more food.  Mashed potatoes, jello and strawberry shake.  She ate them all gone.  She also got her feeding tube out and her oxygen was down to 40% and she was keeping her level up above 90.  90 is where they want her to be without having to have oxygen.  She met all of her goals.  We told her she needed to make some more goals and she said right off the bat I want to go upstairs to her other room.

When I came back she was happy and talkative.  She took another walk.  I hung up a stocking on the wall and a advent quilt that I had made her a couple of years ago.  I asked Kirk to bring it when he was cleaning out her apartment.  She was so excited to see it.

 We got her to bed and she was not comfortable.  They came in and gave her a breathing treatment and put the cpac mask back on (pressurized mask).  They told her that this helps her when she sleeps so she can decrease her oxygen during the day.  She thought that was a good alternative.  She is now sleeping peacefully.

 I took some pictures of her and her favorite nurses.  When I figure out how to get them on here I will post them.  Maybe when someone comes to visit they can help me out.  My helper husband has gone home and he is safe and sound.

I am so grateful for my parents and how much of a help they are to me and Alyssa.  Also for all of the priesthood blessings that have been given to her.  I know that the Lord has his hand in all of this.  The power of the priesthood is an amazing thing.  I am so grateful that I have it in my life.  Thanks again for everything everyone is doing for me and my family.  Well that is the nightly report, here's to having a good night and even a better day tomorrow.


  1. I'm glad to hear that things have improved! Hang in there Alyssa! They'll have you back to normal in no time.

  2. Alyssa,

    That's fantastic news! I am so happy to hear that you are doing better! I hope to see you within the next few days. Get better soon so I can make you some yummy rolls!

    Love, Aunt Debbie

  3. Yippee skippee!!! The best news of the week. Keep up the good work, Alyssa. We are pulling for your quick improvement.


  4. Alyssa,
    I'm happy to hear the good news! We were all very worried about you. If you're feeling up to it, we'll come visit you today.

  5. Wow! Very impressive! You've inspired me to make some goals for myself. I'm working here today down in the special care nursery. I'll come visit later this afternoon.

  6. Annalee,
    I just finished reading all of your posts and am so sorry for all that Alyssa has been through. I have experienced that awful roller coaster ride of drug reactions and especially those "demons" and fears that accompany it. My heart breaks for her, that she has had to experience that. I am so glad to hear that things are looking better! Please know that Alyssa and all your family is in our thoughts and prayers. Alyssa get better soon so you can kiss Frank goodbye!
    Pat Johnson

  7. Great Job Alyssa. I am very proud of you. Keep up the good work. Yesterday I went and did some temple work(endowments) and I did so thinking of you, and nothing but you. I want you to know that you are such a great sister and that I love you.

  8. Alyssa, I am so glad that you had a great day. After reading the whole blog up to this point it was pretty scary, but this post was good. I was shocked to hear the news and I am glad your family has set up this blog. Kaitlin and I are hoping and praying that you will be better soon! I read that you can watch movies. We have lots of movies. So if you have any particular movie you would like to see, let us know. We also have netflix, so we can get you what ever you would like eventually at no cost to us. So you let us know. haha. Good luck with everything.

  9. Alyssa, I love you so much! It makes me so sad to hear of this scary time in your life. I miss you! I'd love to send out some love from NY so if you could let me know where to send it, that'd be great!

    I am praying so hard for you and I just know you'll make it through. You are such a strong, wonderful girl!

    Love and miss you,

  10. Hey Alyssa!!

    Just wanted to say that I love you and miss you, Scoreboard just isn't the same without you ;) Glad to hear that you're doing better, keep on truckin' and stay happy! I'm praying for you and you're family. You are amazing :)


    Abby Indiana :D

  11. Reading your story has brought tears to my eyes and total recall to ICU and Russ...

    You are all very tender to my heart.

    As parents we handle this so much more differently than if we are the brother and sister. I am sure you have already done this, but make sure that they too get Priesthood blessings.

    Alyssa, you sound like a true fighter, good for you. I know that you may feel like this is a long road, but just remember to keep your Savior close to your heart. He loves you, and he knows you..

    Lou and I are here for you all any time, please just call.

    Russ has a blog too if you would like to folow his progress while you get stronger. Maybe you will read something that will make you laugh!



  12. Sister Ward, while writing a blog post, you'll see a button in between the Link button and the movie button that inserts pictures into the blog. If they're already on your computer, you can click the Browse button and find them pretty quick.

    I'm very, very, thankful that things are looking up. Alyssa, the ward is praying for you!

  13. It's great to hear that you're doing better!! Keep on fighting and achieving the goals you set!
