Thursday, November 25, 2010

LDS Hospital

I (Annalee) will probably be making most of the posts.  When Alyssa is feeling up to it she will be adding to it also.  Kirk has been posting the first two posts.

Alyssa got admitted to LDS Hospital late Saturday night.  When we got there Monday afternoon they were pretty sure that she had APL but they needed to wait for her bone marrow test to come back.  In the mean time she was having every kind of blood products to help boost her blood counts.  Everything in her blood was extremely low.   Some times she has had 10 things hanging on her iv pole at a time.  After seeing how much blood products she is using it makes me very grateful for the people that have donated them  If you are able I highly recommend giving blood to help anyone needing blood.

Anyways, on to Alyssa's stay at the hospital.  On Monday night she finally got to sleep and had a good night.  Around 5:00 am she got up to go to the bathroom and when she got back to  bed she couldn't breathe.  I called for the nurse.  They came rushing in and they couldn't give her enough oxygen.  They called the respiratory team in and she was very scared.  I kept telling her it was going to be okay.  She was rushed to ICU.

She was on 100 percent oxygen and she had fluid in her lungs.  They took ex rays and were waiting for the results to come back.  They had taken ex rays the day before and found the fluid and they were going to watch and if it didn't do any better they would have to do a scope down her throat.  When she got to the ICU the lung specialist came in and said she needed to do the scope.  She was now very scared.  They put the numbing spray down her throat and did the scope.

After the scope was done they didn't see a lot of blood so they didn't think she was bleeding.  Bleeding is a real concern with her because she doesn't have any clotting agents in her blood.  The results came back and they determined that she was not bleeding and it was a reaction to her chemo that she had started.  They started her iv chemo then and they said that when that kicked in her breathing would get better.  

 The days are really running together so you will need to forgive while I get caught up.  On Wednesday Kirk came and I went to his mom's house for a shower and good sleep on a bed.  He said that they had to put the pressure mask back on last night.  That mask gives her more oxygen.  On Thursday when I got here she was on oxygen just through the nose.  She is a little discouraged because she thought she was going up to her room today.  We keep telling her that we need to get this breathing thing under control and then she doesn't have to come back down here

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