Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Yesterday when we went in and her neutrophils had dropped to 1300.  We were okay with that because she was still above 1000.  By the way I have been spelling neutrophils wrong all the time.  Sorry for the confusion.  She got arsenic yesterday but we were there for quite a long time.  It took the cardiologist a long time to read her ekg.  When the doctor talked to us yesterday he told us that we are waiting for the magic number of 30 doses of arsenic and then a bone marrow biopsy will be done. She has had 24 doses.  After they get the results of the the biopsy we will know what direction we will go.  We are praying that she can get the stem cell transplant.  It will be so much better in the long run.  Dr. Peterson also told Alyssa she can drive.  I think Alyssa was going to jump up and kiss him.  She was so excited.

When we got up to the clinic today they got the ekg read very quickly.  We were only in the hospital 5 hours!  We were very excited about that usually we are there closer to 6 hours.  When we got her numbers for the day we were shocked.  Her neutrophils were 2500.  We both just about fell off of our chairs.  On her report there are NO "L" behind any numbers.  (Remember that the "L" is low in her counts)  Alyssa was so excited, I guess the number dance that we did last night worked.  All in all we had a great day.


  1. Absolutely GREAT NEWS!!! Congratulations!!! I can feel a two hour clinic visit in your near future. On that day you need to take in a matinée. So happy for both of you.

    Sincerely, Mike and Lisa

    P.S. Neutraphils

  2. You are correct, it is neutrophils.....I have been misspelling it too.....Oops


  3. WOW! Congrats! This is great news...


  4. Hi guys! Wow, I wanted to jump up a do a victory dance for Alyssa right here in the Philippines! That is so awesome. It sounds like she is truly on the road to recovery. I can't wait to read that you're done with the arsenic treatments and have enjoyed several movies! We love you all.

  5. Wow! Great news Alyssa!! We're so happy.
    Dan, Heather, Carolyn and Jacob

  6. What wonderful news!! I'm glad you can start driving again too! It was kind of sad to hear how happy you were that you were only in the hospital for 5 hours instead of the usual 6. I guess you come to appreciate the little things. I look forward to hearing more good news!

    Love Meghan and Casey

  7. Congrats on being able to drive!! And only having to be in the hospital for 5 hours! Wow. I hope we continue to hear more good news. I'd like to come hang out as soon as I ditch my cold!


  8. Hey you two, where is the update???

    Your loyal fans, Mike & Lisa
