Monday, April 4, 2011

On Board to go to the Hospital

We went to the clinic today to have the conference telling us what to expect in the hospital.  Alyssa has to go to the clinic tomorrow to get a medicine that coats her mouth and esophagus.  They give this to her to help prevent mouth sores.  The chemo that they will be giving her sometimes gives you mouth sores.  On Wednesday she has to check into the hospital at 1:00.  She will be given a lot of fluids and pre chemo drugs.  On Thursday at 6:00 am she will be given her first dose of chemo.  They have to give this chemo 4 times a day until they have reached 16 doses.  She will then have a break for a day and then be given another chemo for 2 days, once a day.    Then a one day break and then her stem cells will be transplanted.  They are planning on doing the stem cells on the 15th.  If all goes well they are predicting that she will get out of the hospital on the 29th of April.  She is still holding on to getting out of the hospital by her birthday on the 21st but that is probably not likely.  We will have to have a big party for her in the hospital and when she gets out. 

She is kind of nervous but she knows that it can't be any worse than the last time she was in the hospital.  At least she knows what to expect this time.  Please keep her in your prayers so all will go well and that we can sell our house.

1 comment:

  1. I have a soft tissue laser in my dental office, and it has been very effective in reducing the duration and discomfort caused my mouth sores. If Alyssa has problems with mouth sores, maybe there is a dentist (oral surgeon?) at the hospital who can shine the laser light on her mouth sores. It seems to work well, and the doc doesn't even have to touch anything with the laser, just shine the light on the sore places for about three thirty second intervals. Soft tissue lasers are also very small and portable, so someone could easily bring one to her hospital room.
