Monday, December 27, 2010

4th Round and counting

Alyssa has been very groggy all day long.  They gave her some medicine for nausea  last night that they have never given her and it has wiped her out all day long.    They have switched her meds again and I think that they have got the magnesium, calcium and potassium  right so now her heart is beating the right way so she can have another dose of arsenic.  She has  just got done with her 4th arsenic treatment.  When the doctor  came in today she said that her nutrafills have started to come in very slowly.  However, she is going in the right direction which we are very pleased about that. 

We hope that she won't be so sleepy tomorrow.  She is still having a hard time being in the hospital.  We just got done with a shopping list for food for the next couple of days.  She chose spaghetti,  stroganoff,  and Hawaiian  haystacks and chocolate chip cookies.  Bryan and I are going shopping and cooking tonight.  Kelsey just called and said she is going to be coming out on Wednesday.  We are excited to see her. 


  1. Wow, that arsenic sounds like some seriously nasty stuff. Hang in there, we pray for you every day. Thanks for keeping us updated on the blog.

  2. I was thinking of how Alyssa is wanting to be out of the hospital and in the outdoors. This might be a weird idea, but maybe if she had a cd with nature sounds on it, she can close her eyes and use imagery to relax her and help her forget that she is in the hospital. Some of my pain therapy had to do with imagining I was in a relaxing place. Just an idea. Hope she gets well soon. We will continue to pray for her.

  3. Reading the blog today has made me hungry. What are Hawaiian haystacks? They sound good. We are praying for you everyday & you are frequently in our thoughts. We admire your courage. Hang in there. This too shall pass. Remember that you are never alone & that Heavenly Father is watching over you. I have wanted to come & visit, but I have had cold after cold. I will visit when I'm well.


    Aunt Janice

  4. Alyssa,

    With 4 rounds of Arsenic complete, you're well on your way to being done.

    You're doing so well and are an inspiration to us. Keep up the good attitude.

    Patrick, Brenda and Zach

  5. Dear Alyssa,
    I am sorry you have to be in the hospital over the holidays. I hope your nutrafills are continuing to increase the way they should. I am thankful you have such great nurses and that you don't have to change hospitals right now. It makes me think of all the tender mercies that God gives us through our trials to remind us that he is there and to help us keep going. NOt having to switch hospitals may seem like a small thing to some, but it is huge to you. I'm glad you get to eat yummy home cooked food and have most of your family close by for a little while. Hang in there.

  6. p.s. I was touched about the story of the family who lost their father coming to sing Christmas carols to whoever was in the room he used to be in. I think it's wonderful that people reach out to others like that and that you have already decided to do the same when you're past all this. I'm glad so many people have reached out to you in such simple yet meaningful ways.
