Thursday, December 9, 2010

More Tests

She had a slight fever last night but for the most part she slept pretty good.  Sometimes her door feels like a revolving door with all of the doctors coming in to see her.  She had a session with the speech and occupational therapists today.  These mind puzzles that they are giving her sometimes wears her out.

She kept trying to eat her lunch but the doctors kept coming in.  Even the nurse has said that she can't get in to give her meds.  Sometimes I just wish  one doctor would come in tell us stuff instead of 10 doctors coming in and telling us the same thing.

They are a little puzzled because one test in her spinal fluid came back positive from one lab and negative from other labs.  They wanted to do another spinal tap and test it again.  If they get a negative result they will believe that it is negative.  They came in while she was trying to eat and told her that they were doing another spinal tap in 30 minutes.  She about inhaled her food and waited and waited and waited and kept getting more nervous.  Almost 2 hours later they came and got her.  She did fine but now she needs to lay flat for at least a hour or more.  She doesn't really like doing that because she says the bed is very uncomfortable.  She would rather be in the recliner.  She is watching a movie right now trying to take her mind away from the pain in her back.

We should know the results of the spinal tap in a few days.  She has  a little fluid in one lung again and the lung doctor wants to do another scope but he can't do that until the test from the spinal fluid comes back.  She has a minor fever tonight.  Hopefully they can get to bottom of this.  After seeing how she has reacted to a fever I am scared to death for her to get a cold.  After saying that please don't come and see her if you are sick in anyway. 

They keep telling me that Alyssa's case has been pretty complicated.  I just wish she could go through one thing without complications.  She is such a trooper.  She was pretty scared to do the spinal tap but she did great. 


  1. With the persistent fever and the questionable spots on her MRI, the doctors are wise to repeat the spinal tap to rule out meningitis. They are also likely concerned a bit about possible pneumonia if there is a concern on her chest x-ray because this could also explain her persistent fever. I am here at LD today but even though I feel fine, we all just got over a pretty bad cold a couple of days ago, so I'll stay away. You're all doing a great job, hang in there.

  2. Alyssa,
    I'm sorry to hear that you had to have another spinal tap... you are very brave. I've been thinking of you a lot and missing you. Hopefully they can figure out more about your case..
    Have a good day tomorrow.
    Love, Kelsey
