Sunday, December 19, 2010

Happy Sunday

When she got up this morning she asked me again if she could go to sacrament meeting.  When the missionaries came in to give her the sacrament her nurse Ben came in also to get the sacrament.  I asked him if she could go to sacrament meeting.  He said that he thought that was okay as long as she had her protective gear on and if we stayed in the back.  If there were anybody coughing or sneezing we would have to leave.  It really brightened up Alyssa and my day.  It was nice to sing the hymns and listen to talks.  It was a nice hour. 

She is doing very good.  Yesterday she only threw up once and that was first thing in the morning.  She said her stomach was kind of feeling funny just a minute ago,  She said that she was going to take a nap.  She has learned to breath slow and steady when she is feeling sick and usually if she tries to sleep a little bit it helps.  It is very interesting to watch her learn about what her body is telling her.  I think we all need to learn that little tidbit!

The doctors are pleased with her progress.   We are still waiting for her blood count to come up.  The lung doctor says that her lungs are just about back to normal.  They are getting better and better everyday. 

She is really getting tired of being in the hospital but she is such a trooper.  She is excited to see Bryan, Kirk & Kelsey.  They should all be here sometime next week.  I am excited to see all of my family.  I am so thankful this time of the year.  I know that our family will never look at Christmas the same again.
Nurse Ben trying on her wig.  I think that he has it on upside down.  He is really fun and brings a smile to Alyssa's face all the time.

Dr. Pearl, the lung specialist.  He likes to banter with her everyday.  He always asks her trivia questions and she has to come up with trivia questions for him.

Dr Peterson, the head Leukemia doctor.  He is from Denmark and Alyssa really likes him.  He is a great doctor.


  1. I'm glad you got to go to the Sunday before Christmas sacrament meeting. The music is always really nice. In the future, when you are in meetings or at get togethers and you are supposed to come up with a memorable Christmas, you'll have the best story to tell.

  2. Alyssa,

    We're so happy to hear that you're continuing to improve. I think you're nearing the edge of the woods and soon you'll be well past this. Keep being brave!

    Patrick, Brenda and Zach
